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Sarajevo School of Science and Technology has, through the Tempus project JEP_41058_2006, developed a MSc Study Program
"Computer Graphics for the Media Industry". This presentation is one of the MSc final projects at this study program.

The prehistoric times will most certainly never be explored to the fullest extent, due to the lack of physical artifacts that have been destroyed or have vanished over the time. The remnants of the earliest beginnings of the human history have been scattered today around the world and they represent pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle which archaeologists have been trying to assemble relentlessly. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, most of the museums, which were devastated during the war, still remain unreconstructed leaving a large number of collections, including that of Butmir, not exhibited due to the lack of gallery space. Post-war generations of young people in our country have never had the opportunity to see those beautiful and rich collections withering and gathering dust down in the basement of the National Museum.
We are able now to bring these archaeological collections closer to a wider audience in a certain manner and to potentially expedite the process of reconstruction and preservation of cultural wealth. By constant development of computer graphics, additional options of presentations grow in number through a more precise and high-quality reconstructions of discovered fragments, which is the actual goal of this presentation. By the use of software such as 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects and Flash technology, we are able to prepare not only a presentation of preserved archaeological artifacts but also a reconstruction of objects existing only in fragments, and to represent those two in an interactive and visually rich manner. Our presentation has been developed in a simplified manner (with the presentation quality intact) and does not require installation of additional software applications in order to be shown on older computers. In case the presentation would be shown in the form of a website, its content would preserve its quality on computers with slow Internet connections as well.

Project team:
dr Selma Rizvic, mentor and project supervisor
Mirsad Festa, author of the project
dr Zilka Kujunđić-Vejzagić, expert consultant

Project is developed as a part of the scientific research program in the SSST Digital Media Center,
Laboratory for Cultural Heritage Digitization.



Radimsky, W. / Hoernes, M. Die neolitische Station von Butmir bei Sarajevo in Bosnien. Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1893. Theil I. Wien: Adolf Holzhausen ,1895.

Fiala, F. / Hoernes M. Die neolitische Station von Butmir bei Sarajevo in Bosnien. Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1894-1896. Teil II. Wien: Adolf Holzhausen ,1898.

Robert Munro. Rambles and studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia an account of the proceedings of the congress of archaeologists and anthropologists held at sarajevo, august 1894. Edinburgh: 48 manor place, 1900.

Benac, Alojz. Obre II – neolitsko naselje butmirske kulture na Gornjem polju. GZM (A), NS XXVI, Sarajevo: Zemaljski muzej Sarajevo, 1971.

Gimbutas, Marija. Obre and its place in Old Europe. Wiss. Mitt. Bosnisch-Herzegowin. Landesmuseum 4, 1974.

Perić Slaviša. Butmirska kultura. Geneza i razvoj. Beograd: Posebna izdanja Arheološkog instituta 29, 1995.

Kujundžić-Vejzagić Z, Muller J., Rassmann K. i Schuler T. Okolište – iskopavanje i geofizička prospekcija centralnobosanskog tel-naselja iz prve polovine petog milenija prije n.e. Godišnjak, Knjiga XXXIII, Sarajevo: Centar za balkanološka ispitivanja, ANUBiH, 2004.

John Boardman ,i. E. S. Edwards, n. G. L. Hammond, e. Sollberger.The cambridge ancient history, volume III , part 1 ,The Prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean world, tenth to eighth centuries B.C.. Cambridge: University Press, 2008.

James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, volume VII, T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1915.

Video material
Alojz Benac .Dir. Jan Beran.1970 .Betacam, Radio i televizija Sarajevo 1970.











