O projektu

About the project

The first mosque in Slovenia was built in the alpine village of Log pod Mangartom. The mosque was built by the Austro-Hungarian army for its Bosniak soldiers who fought together with members of other faiths on the Isonzo Front during World War I. In the same village there is a common cemetery of fallen Muslim and Christian soldiers, as well as two monuments to their bravery. It is said that the call to prayer was heard from the mosque, which was located on the front line on Rombon, long after the departure of the Bosniaks, so that the Italians would think that they were still there and give up on breaking through the front.

Several photographs of the mosque have been preserved, according to which this virtual reconstruction was done. Virtual Reality application through the stories of villagers and military imams and priests introduces users to this object, which no longer exists. After viewing the stories and answering the questions from the quiz correctly, the user can enter the mosque and walk around it. The application also includes a digitized version of the monument to Bosniak soldiers.

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