
VRML is the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, a standard method to display 3D interactive worlds and objects on the web. The most common way to display, show, browse, play, or view VRML files, models, or worlds (.wrl file extension) is with a free VRML plugin, also known as a browser, player, viewer, reader... One of them is Cortona plug-in (Cortona 3D under "Viewers" category) which is freeware.

Cortona VRML Client works as a VRML plug-in for popular Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, etc.) and office applications.

Some VRML plugins for Linux and Mac OS X are listed here and on the VRML Plugin Detector.

After installing flash please refresh this site to see VRML model of the object. Alternatively, click here to download it.

3D model created by:
Emina Memic