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O projektu Virtualna prezentacija Tašlihana je kreirana sa ciljem da se javnost upozna sa originalnim izgledom ovog vrijednog objekta kulturnog naslijeđa, njegovom historijom i namjenom. Laboratorija za kompjutersku grafiku – Sarajevo Graphics Group sa Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Sarajevu, kreirala je ovaj projekat u tri verzije: kao dokumentarnu priču, interaktivnu priču i ozbiljnu igru. Ovakva postavka projekta nam je omogućila da proširimo svoj naučnoistraživački rad u traganju za tehnikom virtuelne prezentacije kulturnog naslijeđa koja će odgovarati najvećem broju korisnika. Sve tri verzije sadrže virtuelni model Tašlihana, samo što je u dokumentarnu priču umontirana kompjuterska animacija modela, u interaktivnoj priči je on linkovan za jednu od potpriča, a u ozbiljnoj igri ga korisnik može vidjeti ako tačno odgovori na postavljena pitanja. About the project The aim of creating the Tašlihan virtual presentation is introducing the public with the original appearance of this valuable cultural heritage object, its history and purpose. Laboratory for Computer Graphics from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Sarajevo Graphics Group, has implemented this project in three editions: as a documentary, interactive digital story and serious game. This setup of the project enabled us to enhance our scientific research looking for a virtual heritage presentation technique which would be most suitable for the majority of users. All 3 editions contain the virtual model of Tašlihan. In the documentary it is displayed through pre-rendered computer animation, in interactive story it is linked with a sub-story, while in serious game it can be accessed only if the user answers correctly to questions about the information presented in the stories. The documentary is a sequence of old photos, recordings of present appearance of Tašlihan’s remains and other objects built by Gazi Husref bey, hand drawn illustrations and computer animation renderings. It is intended for users not so fond of interaction and virtual reality. Interactive digital story is an implementation of our new digital storytelling concept, which we find more appropriate for the digital age and in which the story is presented through a hierarchy of main story and sub stories interconnected by hyperlinks. The viewer first sees the main story and discovers the summary information about Tašlihan and its history, while the particular aspects of the topic are presented in more details through sub stories linked to the main story. This way the viewers who would like to find out more about particular topics can watch the sub stories immediately or during the next visit to the site. The serious game concept is similar to interactive story, except that the virtual model can be viewed only after correct answering to the questions related to the information presented in the stories. We wanted to prove that this will be an additional motivation to the users to be attentive to the stories and learn from them. Projektni tim /Project team Tekst za digitalne priče /Text for digital stories Prevod /English translation Naratori /Narrators 3D modeliranje i web implementacija/3D modeling and web implementation Ilustracije /Illustrations Istraživanje historijskih činjenica/Historic research Saradnik/Collaborator Muzika/Music Project coordinator Sarajevo, juni 2015. |